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Thread: East Texas favor / lens borrow?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    East Texas favor / lens borrow?


    First, I hope this is the right forum.

    Second, I am an idiot. I fully accept this.

    As one might detect by looking at the last time I posted, I have not been very active for the last few years. This is because (a) I've been in graduate school, which is extremely busy, and (b) I have no access to a darkroom or a local processor. I do get a few shots a year, maybe 7-8, but that's it.

    Anyway, I traveled back to East Texas (Smith Co.) for a couple weeks, and brought my LF gear because there's something I want to photograph. I packed at the last minute, and like a complete idiot, I forgot to bring my lens. (And I was so proud of myself for remembering my black jacket. *sigh*). I was wondering whether anybody in the area might have a second-rate 150mm(ish) lens that I could borrow for a couple of days. I'd be more than happy to leave full purchase price as a deposit, as long as I could return it in the same condition for a refund. My camera is a 4x5 Tachihara.

    DFW could also work, as I'll be there over the weekend.

    I completely understand if there's nobody around, or you'd rather not trust your lens to a stranger. Sorry again if I'm asking in the wrong forum, and for being an idiot.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Tucson AZ

    Re: East Texas favor / lens borrow?

    I've seen people post requests like this in the For Sale section under WTB (Want to BORROW) headings.

    I'd be happy to help if you were in Tucson, but not much I can do from here. Finding someone near you with the right lens board might be more daunting than finding a lens.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: East Texas favor / lens borrow?

    Perhaps you could buy one off the 'bay and resell it when you're done? I'm sure you could get very fast shipping from a USA seller, and if you pay market price for the lens you shouldn't lose anything. A lot of 'normal' lenses like the 150 Symmar go for quite low amounts.

  4. #4
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Ottawa, Canada

    Re: East Texas favor / lens borrow?

    Or get a lens from KEH in less-than-stellar condition; they will ship to you in a few days, and their prices are very good.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Re: East Texas favor / lens borrow?

    ... or have a friend/relative/roommate box up your lens and send it overnight. The shipping cost will be your reminder not to forget the lens the next time

    Good luck,


    P.S: Haven't you been lusting after that "other" lens? You know, to augment your 150mm. Maybe now is a good time to spring for it...

  6. #6

    Re: East Texas favor / lens borrow?

    I'm in Tyler and have a 150 Rodenstock on a Linhof Board you're welcome to use. Also a 110 and 210. Send me a PM

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Tyler, Texas

    Re: East Texas favor / lens borrow?

    Sounds like you are under control but what the heck are you doing in Smith County? We aren't a vacation wonderland.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: East Texas favor / lens borrow?

    Thank you all for the excellent suggestions, and thank you VERY much, Greg, for lending me your lens!

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Jackson View Post
    I'm in Tyler and have a 150 Rodenstock on a Linhof Board you're welcome to use. Also a 110 and 210. Send me a PM

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