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Thread: Air Travel Conundrum

  1. #31
    Louie Powell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Saratoga Springs, NY

    Re: Air Travel Conundrum

    Don't try to take two cases - your standard soft case should be good enough.

    I use a LowePro backpack. The back of the pack (the part that actually touches your back) has to be pretty thickly padded to protect your back from the contents of the pack. The camera itself goes in the middle of the pack so the edges are protected by the stuff placed around it in the pack. The, I fold my darkcloth and place it over the camera to protect it from anything that might strike the front of the pack.

    The one area that I was still concerned about was the ground glass - the only thing between it and the outside world was the folded darkcloth and the fairly thin face of the pack. Years ago I you could buy commercial plastic shields that fit over the ground glass panels of field cameras, but I haven't seen one for years - so I cut a piece of plexiglass to fit over the ground glass that attaches to the camera with velcro and that shields the ground glass from outside objects.

  2. #32
    Scott Davis
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Washington DC

    Re: Air Travel Conundrum

    If you feel you have to have the hard-sided case for air travel, Pelican at least used to make a hard case/backpack combo kit. The backpack fits inside the hard case. You could check the hard case, then when you get to your destination, pull out the already-packed backpack and be off to the races.

    WRT the Canham wood field, I have one myself that I have taken with me in the aforementioned Pelican bag (bag only - it fit carry-on restrictions so I left the hard-sided case at home) to Argentina and Uruguay, and on other occasions to California. I assure you it is not a delicate thing, appearances to the contrary, and god forbid something does happen to it, Keith Canham is a phonecall away and will be very helpful with getting it fixed as quickly as possible. I've had to avail myself of his services twice (once for a repair, once for a customization) and in both cases, I had the repair/modification back in my hands in under a week.

  3. #33
    jp's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Air Travel Conundrum

    Canham sells ground glass protectors. A good idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Louie Powell View Post
    Don't try to take two cases - your standard soft case should be good enough.

    I use a LowePro backpack. The back of the pack (the part that actually touches your back) has to be pretty thickly padded to protect your back from the contents of the pack. The camera itself goes in the middle of the pack so the edges are protected by the stuff placed around it in the pack. The, I fold my darkcloth and place it over the camera to protect it from anything that might strike the front of the pack.

    The one area that I was still concerned about was the ground glass - the only thing between it and the outside world was the folded darkcloth and the fairly thin face of the pack. Years ago I you could buy commercial plastic shields that fit over the ground glass panels of field cameras, but I haven't seen one for years - so I cut a piece of plexiglass to fit over the ground glass that attaches to the camera with velcro and that shields the ground glass from outside objects.

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