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Thread: Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films

  1. #31
    mike rosenlof's Avatar
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    Louisville, Colorado, USA

    Re: Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films

    I use David Kachel's method of open-ended tubes in trays of chemical.

    I can do 5 sheets in an 8x10 tray. I do fix #2 and wash the sheets individually in sandwich size plastic containers. I have found with TMax films I needed to soak a few minutes in a alkalai solution after fix to remove the last of the antihalation backing. Since I use developers one shot, I use the about-to-toss developer for that purpose.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films

    Did you get the 'watermark' he refers to? The one that doesn't go away with fixing?

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Re: Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films

    Quote Originally Posted by dncswclds View Post
    Also with tray processing what do people use to time the developing etc.? No led timers etc allowed in "complete darkness". Gralab timer in a far away corner I guess.
    A Gralab timer 4' or more away will not cause you a problem. I have one above the sink which has been there for over 30 years and never had a problem. Of course, it is facing me, not the film in the tray.

  4. #34

    Join Date
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    Aurora, Colorado

    Re: Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films

    I develop 4x5 sheets in a Combiplan tank and 8x10 sheets in trays in the bathroom. If I had a daylight tank for 8x10 I'd probably shoot a lot more of it.
    Never is always wrong; always is never right.

  5. #35
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    Feb 2001

    Re: Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films

    used hangers for years
    ( was taught originally to develop with hangers )
    but i had trouble with a few hangers that marked my film
    ( or so i thought ) couldn't figure out which one it might have been
    and had to reshoot a whole job because of it .. went to trays and never turned back ...
    ive done as few as 1 sheet and as many as 40 ...

  6. #36
    mike rosenlof's Avatar
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    Re: Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films

    Quote Originally Posted by analoguey View Post
    Did you get the 'watermark' he refers to? The one that doesn't go away with fixing?
    The only issue I ever had was the antihalation dye not being removed, and that was only TMX and/or TMY which I removed by a few minutes in the just-used developer after fixing when the films were in their little sandwich trays.

  7. #37

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    Feb 2009

    Re: Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films

    I've had great results using a slosher which I had a local plastics mfg co make for me - handles four 5x7's at one time....Photog's Formulary has one for approx. $60 which will compartmentalize 6 sheets of 4x5 at one time -- all you'll need are trays and darkness and a timer and some chems. Good luck,

  8. #38

    Join Date
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    Santa Barbara

    Re: Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films

    I have a jobo deal that can hold 6

    and after years and years and years of shakin and bangin and shoshing developer all over the kitchen table,

    I discovered the fill it up, sit it down, and drink and watch tv for an hour method

    how sweet that is!

  9. #39
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Re: Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Noel View Post
    A Gralab timer 4' or more away will not cause you a problem. I have one above the sink which has been there for over 30 years and never had a problem. Of course, it is facing me, not the film in the tray.
    Yes I have had Graylabs fog Tri-x in trays at even greater distance. Also Graylabs lose accuracy so test them. After 20 years with one I discovered mine was 1.5 MINUTES slow at a 10 minute setting.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  10. #40
    Maris Rusis's Avatar
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    Noosa, Australia.

    Re: Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films

    Processing: 4 place slosher that fits an 8x10 tray.
    Timing: VoiceCraft talking timer $20.
    Photography:first utterance. Sir John Herschel, 14 March 1839 at the Royal Society. "...Photography or the application of the Chemical rays of light to the purpose of pictorial representation,..".

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