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Thread: "New" Zone VI 4x5 Instructions

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Denver Metro

    "New" Zone VI 4x5 Instructions

    I have a favor to ask from my fellow members. Fed Ex delivered my "New" Zone VI 4x5 today (pre bail back).

    After searching online for the instructions, I find that they are unavailable for download or for sale. If anyone has a copy of the instructions that they could scan and post, I would be very appreciative. This would be for the Zone VI made camera, not the Wisner version.

    Thank you in advance.


  2. #2
    scm's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City UT

    Re: "New" Zone VI 4x5 Instructions

    Here you go: Zone_VI_Manual.PDF

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas

    Re: "New" Zone VI 4x5 Instructions

    The camera shown in that old manual is not a Zone VI made camera. Probably a Tachihara or a Wista.

    They were Fred Picker's original Zone VI cameras.

    Later Zone VI cameras did not come with instructions.

  4. #4
    MIke Sherck's Avatar
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    Elkhart, IN

    Re: "New" Zone VI 4x5 Instructions

    Amazing! I never saw one of those...

    Keep in mind that your Zone VI might be slightly different from the one in the instructions. Zone VI cameras went through several different manufacturers over their lifetimes. Nevertheless, operation of all of them (and pretty much any view camera, for the most part) is very much similar. Feel free to ask questions but please note that a picture says a thousand words... In other words, we can be of more help if we see what part of the camera you have questions about.

    Politically, aerodynamically, and fashionably incorrect.

  5. #5
    scm's Avatar
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    Re: "New" Zone VI 4x5 Instructions

    You're mostly right, Gem, it isn't the Picker Zone VI but it's a Wista (second generation Zone VI) not a Tachihara. That's what I get for trying to scan the manual while doing three other things, I just saw Zone VI on it and scanned away!

  6. #6
    Jon Shiu's Avatar
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    Mendocino, California

    Re: "New" Zone VI 4x5 Instructions

    You can also get videos on youtube

    my black and white photos of the Mendocino Coast:

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Re: "New" Zone VI 4x5 Instructions

    I never needed a manual for mine... If you've used a folding field camera before, everything should be pretty straightforward. One thing to be aware of is that the lens retaining clip (the sliding bar that holds the lensboard in place) needs to be returned to "locked" position for the camera to fold up properly. Other than that, the YouTube videos and general camera handling brochures, etc. should get you going. If you have specific questions, just post here.



  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Westport Island, Maine

    Re: "New" Zone VI 4x5 Instructions

    Here you go:

    Take the camera and sit in your easy chair with the camera on your lap, sans tripod. Tune on junk TV, and spend an hour or so just working everything on the camera - focus, tilts, swings, shifts, if you have shift. Open it and close it. Work everything on the lens. Which lever position closes it? Opens it? Can you learn to set an approximate f-stop by feel, for when you want to check depth of field without coming out from under the darkcloth? Spend plenty of time to get totally familiar with everything you'll need to touch on the camera.

    Develop a lens ritual for when you want to make an exposure and practice it: Close the lens, set the shutter speed, set the aperture, cock the shutter, test fire the shutter (ensures both that the speed sounds right and the shutter is closed). Recock the shutter. Now you're ready to put in as film holder and pull the slide. Practice your shutter ritual 100 times. Keep track. Watch junk TV while you do this, to alleviate a little of the boredom.

    I call all this "Camera Cuddle." Years ago, Richard Ritter and I did a workshop where we had a dozen or so photographers doing this. They did it for a while, able to see what they were doing. Then, we had two lovely college coed assistants go around and blindfold the students, and we had them cuddle (their cameras...) in the dark, so to speak.

    Instructions are fine, but you want to be totally familiar with how the camera works, so that you don't have to think about it in the field. I did this once with my Sinar Norma as a refresher - I was going on a big trip and hadn't used it in a while, so I spent a half hour recommuning with Norma. It was well worthwhile a week later at Schoodic Point.

    Ansel had about two minutes to make "Moonrise." Imagine if he'd had to say "Wait! I want to use a little swing! I think that's page seven..."

    Do a little cuddling. It will pay off big time.

    Cheers! And enjoy! It's a fabulous camera!
    Bruce Barlow
    author of "Finely Focused" and "Exercises in Photographic Composition"

  9. #9
    MIke Sherck's Avatar
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    Elkhart, IN

    Re: "New" Zone VI 4x5 Instructions

    My triple-extension Zone VI camera is serial # 1602. Some time ago there was a chart of who made which Zone VI cameras but I can't find it now. At any rate, it's a very fine camera that takes a 90mm lens at the short end to a 420mm lens on the long end, with the standard bellows and a flat lens board and that covers my needs just fine. If anyone still has the link for who made which Zone VI cameras, I'd enjoy finding out who made mine.

    Politically, aerodynamically, and fashionably incorrect.

  10. #10
    scm's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City UT

    Re: "New" Zone VI 4x5 Instructions

    This is a link to a guide on eBay that seems pretty complete:

    Zone VI Studios Wooden Field Camera

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