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Thread: Longest focal length w/ Linhof Tech V without need for special bellows?

  1. #1

    Longest focal length w/ Linhof Tech V without need for special bellows?

    I'd like to get a really long lens to use with my Tech V 4x5. But I don't want to be messing around with changing anything on the camera itself. I think I read somewhere that the longest lens that can be calibrated to the rangefinder is a 300mm, which I already have, so I'm resigned to the fact that I'll need to focus on the GG if I'm to use anything longer.

    What's the longest the Tech V's standard bellows will allow me to use? Can anyone suggest a sharp, "neutral" (i.e. something reasonably modern, without the need for mad bokeh or other unique effects) lens at that focal length?

    I'm not in the least bit interested in "holy grails", just a reasonable quality standard working lens. Preferably something that I could pick up S/H in a shutter for a few hundred dollars max.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Longest focal length w/ Linhof Tech V without need for special bellows?

    360mm is the usual longest. Nikon made a tele that could also be used up to, if I remember correctly, 400mm. Wista makes an extension lens board that will let you use some longer lenses on a Technika. Of course, near focus is limited by the amount of extension and physically being able to fit is limited by the diameter of the rear lens group.

  3. #3

    Re: Longest focal length w/ Linhof Tech V without need for special bellows?

    Thanks Bob, very helpful.

    Probably wouldnt be worth my while bothering to buy another lens just to get 60mm more than the 300 I already have, but a 400 would be good if I can find the Nikon you mention.Any suggestion as to where I might be able to find info regarding the precise model?

    Will look into the Wista board too.

  4. #4

    Re: Longest focal length w/ Linhof Tech V without need for special bellows?

    I found this elsewhere on LF:

    "Another option, as already noted, is an extension board for a standard, non-telephoto 360mm. I use a Wista extension board to mount a Fujinon 450mm on my present Linhof Master Technika (it has 16"+ extension.) The Wista design is quite nice; it's a set of threaded rings that can be screwed together to provide up to 4" extra extension--though all that extension can be a little unstable, depending on your camera."

    Sounds promising, but is there a difference in bellows extensions between the Tech V and a Master?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Longest focal length w/ Linhof Tech V without need for special bellows?

    No,it is the same

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Loganville , GA

    Re: Longest focal length w/ Linhof Tech V without need for special bellows?

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeyBrain View Post
    Thanks Bob, very helpful.

    Probably wouldnt be worth my while bothering to buy another lens just to get 60mm more than the 300 I already have, but a 400 would be good if I can find the Nikon you mention.Any suggestion as to where I might be able to find info regarding the precise model?

    Will look into the Wista board too.
    Call me when we reopen on Tuesday and I can find it. 800 735-4373 x15

  7. #7

    Re: Longest focal length w/ Linhof Tech V without need for special bellows?

    Thanks again.

    I'm on the other side of the world right now so phoning sounds like a slightly costly option. But really, thanks for the offer.

    I also found this suggestion:

    "I don't want to add to the quandry, but if a lightweight, super sharp, longer focal length lens is what you want, check out the Fujinon 450c (c for compact). It is tiny and just awesome. I use with with my Linhof MT2K. It is not a tele. I need to extend the bellows fully to use it, but I bought an Ebony extension lensboard to get extra draw and it is great. I can focus in at about 40 feet with that board extension."

    40 feet isnt exactly close, but it might be ok for my purposes if nothing else is available.

    EDIT: Having done a little research, I'm not sure that a lens which merely "might be ok for my purposes" is worth paying the price that the fujinon 450c tends to go for. The search continues...

    If you remember to look it up, please do post the Nikon info. But no worries if you forget.

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    Re: Longest focal length w/ Linhof Tech V without need for special bellows?

    I bought an Ebony extension lensboard to get extra draw and it is great. I can focus in at about 40 feet with that board extension."
    Note that you can extend the back a couple more inches. Along with the extensions, perhaps you can focus closer yet.

  9. #9

    Re: Longest focal length w/ Linhof Tech V without need for special bellows?

    Thanks, I hadn't thought of that.

    Though its always possible that 40 feet was already with the back extended.

    Either way though, that Fujinon 450c costs way more than I paid for any of the lenses I currently own (and which I make more use of than I'm ever likely to get out of a 450mm).

  10. #10
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    Jan 2001

    Re: Longest focal length w/ Linhof Tech V without need for special bellows?

    The Nikkor tele sets were 360/500/720 and 600/800/1200, with the different FL's achieved by mixing and matching front and rear components. The 500mm combination is specified as requiring a flange focal distance of 349.9mm. The 360 requires 261mm.

    Details here, if you don't mind wading through the Japanese:

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