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Thread: Driving Down To Death Valley

  1. #31
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Driving Down To Death Valley

    Ha! The road starts to actually get "interesting" AFTER the Racetrack.

  2. #32

    Re: Driving Down To Death Valley

    As another member already mentioned, March brings wind to Death Valley. I recommend taking an umbrella along as it's a useful tool to protect the bellows from wind. A large beach umbrella is pretty swell particularly if there is someone else along to hold it for you while you shoot. There's not much shade in Death Valley and an umbrella of any size will provide relief from the sun which can be rather intense as the temps increase.

    Death Valley as you probably already know, is a dry climate. Pulling the slide slowly doesn't always prevent static charge. Treating your film holders with an antistatic solution resolves that issue.

    The park is so large, and beautiful and there's so much to see. My favorite locations are Zabriskie, Twenty Mule Team Canyon, and Dante's View.

    Have a wonderful visit to Death Valley. It's truly a spectacular place.

    This is Dante's View at sunrise in early September. It's a drive-up location. I got lucky that day as there was no wind. It was about 75F when I arrived at 4am. Made with a Wehman 8x10.

    Zabriskie Point is easily accessible. An overlook provides scenic views of the badlands. This image was made on a slightly long hike into the badlands (about 6 miles) between Zabriskie and Golden Canyon. Made with a Wehman 8x10.

    There's a dirt road that winds through Twenty Mule Team Canyon, and there are so many wonderful possibilities there. My favorite areas to shoot from in the canyon are from the tops of the ridges. This was made from one of the ridges which my friends and I call "Thinker's Ridge" looking north. Made with a Wehman 8x10.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 9673302027_057497d5dd_z.jpg  

  3. #33
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Coquitlam, BC, Canada, eh!

    Re: Driving Down To Death Valley

    Thanks Laura. Photographing in Southern Saskatchewan in summer perhaps was good training for what to expect in DV... maybe. It's quite windy in Saskatchewan after sun up, and quietens down as the sun drops. Is DV similar or is it just windy constantly. If so, I'll bring along my MF gear. I'll also bring along my anti-static spray for my holders... makes 'em smell nice, too. Looking forward to the trip, especially a change of scenery.

  4. #34

    Re: Driving Down To Death Valley

    Hi Andrew,

    Yes, it's similar. The wind can kick up during the day between sun up and sun down, but I've experienced wind well into the evening too after sun down. Then again, you might have a week with hardly any wind at all. Death Valley is not constantly windy. I usually visit in winter (Nov, Dec). One year there was no significant wind. The following year there were strong winds every day (cameras blowing over). Yes, bringing an MF camera along is a good idea. I usually do.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Ex-Seattlelite living in PNW

    Re: Driving Down To Death Valley

    Andrew, wind has its own utility around the dunes or otherwise you'd be constantly taking images of footprints.


  6. #36
    Vaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Driving Down To Death Valley

    And sometimes blowing sand can be part of the image.

    On top of the Eureka Valley Sand Dunes, DV National Park (from 4x5)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Windpocket, Eureka Valley Sand Dunes, CA_16x20.jpg  
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  7. #37

    Re: Driving Down To Death Valley

    I was in Death Valley quite a few years ago. I had a wonderful time. I stayed at Furnace Creek Ranch. The have a naturally spring fed swimming pool which was wonderful. Don't go anywhere without a camera.

    I photographed Zabriskie point at dawn in 4x5, both with color and black and white. You have about ten minutes of good light for this. I stopped by the day beforehand to figure out where to set my equipment up so that I wouldn't have to guess when the right moment came.

    You will really enjoy this trip.

    David Michael Bigeleisen

  8. #38
    ROL's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Driving Down To Death Valley

    What you won't bloody likely be seeing:

    Black Mountains, Flooded Salt Flats

    Trail Canyon, Salt Flats

    5x7, .

  9. #39
    runs a monkey grinder Steve M Hostetter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Beech Grove Indiana

    Re: Driving Down To Death Valley

    I thought Ubahebe Crater was neat but thats where I started smelling burnt antifreeze coming from my Ford Taurus.. The car was never right after that ! I would rent a car If I did it again!! Just me I guess. I would spend more time at the dunes then I did . Bad water basin was different but hard to leave the air conditioning that barely worked. Some places on the way down would be better If you find the time Like Bodie and Bristle Cones Pine forest for sure!! anyway have fun and be safe Andrew, I know you will

  10. #40
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Driving Down To Death Valley

    Ordinarily, you won't be able to get into the Bristlecones any time of year you'd want to be anywhere in Death Valley itself. I do recall one August so cold that Hwy
    395 closed from snow right past Bishop, and I actually wore a light jacket in DV trying to find some place warm. A few days before I had my toothpaste freeze inside
    my backpack at 12,000ft - that's in August, mind you, during the same cold snap when several rock climbers in Yosemite Valley froze to death on El Cap. But ordinary in August, you've got to worry about your shoe soles actually melting to the road surface in DV. But for the persistant, some of the best country begins PAST
    Ubehebe and the Racetrack. Just have a lot of extra supplies and extra spare tires. No place to get stranded.... been there, done that!

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