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Thread: Where to get darkroom equipment?

  1. #1

    Where to get darkroom equipment?

    I wanted to start a dark room in my basement. I was wondering what i needed in the way of hardware, not chemicals. What is the machine called that projects the negative on to the print? And where can i get one? Also is there any other machine i will need.
    P.S. Where can i find safe lights?

  2. #2

    Re: Where to get darkroom equipment?

    Good morning and welcome Gemian.
    First, where are you in the world? From the sound of your post you are maybe new to darkroom work?
    If so, a little time spent on planning saves time and money. In the most general terms what you need depends on the size of negatives you intend to work with, and how big you want to make prints. Pretty soon you'll have several posts here, which I hope will be helpful in tone. Meantime, I'll see what I can link you too which will help.
    Merry Christmas!

  3. #3

    Re: Where to get darkroom equipment?

  4. #4

    Re: Where to get darkroom equipment?

    And here's a walk-through of one set-up. You don't need all this stuff, but it shows what you can do-

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: Where to get darkroom equipment?

    Trays and tongs for developing and a thermometer, stir sticks and graduate for mixing chemicals. For a safelight---check (I'm currently using short string of red led Christmas lights you can find on sale after Christmas.) The "projector" is an enlarger--an -Omega D2 or Beseler M45s will handle 4x5 negatives and are easy to find used complete with negative carriers and enlarging lenses, on places like Craig's List as well as a timer, which are something you'll also want. If you're shooting 5x7 or 8x10 you can probably get by nicely with contact printing instead of enlarging---basically a heavy sheet of glass and a light source will replace the enlarger, but there are other options. Either way a step tablet or exposure guide is a useful tool (Delta, IIRC, makes a copy of the old Kodak one) A washing machine is nice to have---Versa Lab makes a nice one---but it is optional although it will save you water if you're on a water meter---as is a dry mount press and paper cutter. has a lot dark room supplies. Probably the best thing for you to do is take a class at a local adult school or junior college that includes dark room work and you'll get a better idea of what you'll want. If none are available, find a local photographer to show you his dark room and let you play around at it first.
    Have fun!
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia USA

    Re: Where to get darkroom equipment?


    Please update your Profile so we know where you are in the world. Knowing that will help people give you the proper advice you need now and in the future.

    You can perform a Google search for "Craigslist darkroom" and many items will come up.

    When John mentioned a thermometer above what you want is one made with photo-resistant stainless steel. It will have a long rod and a round instant read dial at the top. I found mine brand new (old stock) on eBay for US $6.

    You can build your own darkroom sink out of exterior grade plywood and epoxy resin. I have. Just be sure to either do it outdoors or in an area with a LOT of ventilation.

    Speaking of ventilation, any darkroom needs to be have a source of fresh air coming in that will take out chemical vapors.

    Before you build your basement darkroom it would be a good idea to clean and vacuum the area quite well. You might want to also consider sealing the floors if they are poured concrete. Check with your local home improvement center on how to do this. If you don't, as you walk on the floor you will cause a bit of concrete to be rubbed off causing dust. This dust can end up on your wet film that is hanging to dry.

    Have fun!

  7. #7
    Jim Jones's Avatar
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    Chillicothe Missouri USA

    Re: Where to get darkroom equipment?

    There is probably still a lot of darkroom equipment stored away in people's homes or studios that would be inexpensive or even free if you can only find it. New equipment is available, but not cheap. Perhaps people in a dedicated camera store, not the ubiquitous chain stores, can help. Garage sales occasionally have such items. I've bought darkroom gear at school auctions where the schools abandoned film classes.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: Where to get darkroom equipment?

    I have a Berkley Omega 760 with 50mm lens. Bought out the equipment from some one nearby leaving the hobby. Don't need two of everything. If your not too far from Central Kentucky.

  9. #9
    Jon Shiu's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Mendocino, California

    Re: Where to get darkroom equipment?

    These days you can get enlargers and darkroom stuff for free if you put the word out.

    my black and white photos of the Mendocino Coast:

  10. #10
    smithdoor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Clovis CA

    Re: Where to get darkroom equipment?

    I restarted mine with add off of Craigslist not all to date was free.


    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Shiu View Post
    These days you can get enlargers and darkroom stuff for free if you put the word out.


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