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Thread: View Camera Magazine Needs a Proofreader - Again

  1. #31
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    View Camera Magazine Needs a Proofreader - Again

    At the risk of sounding silly....have you ever had a really great dog, smart, protective, good looking, loyal etc. that you really loved but it had a couple of annoying bad habits that couldn't get rid of?

    Pet metaphors aside, on the whole VC has had an important and lasting positive effect on the genre that a few bad habits cannot dimenish or erase.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  2. #32

    View Camera Magazine Needs a Proofreader - Again

    Mr. Alpert and others,

    You have added further information to my personal understanding of this situation. Thank you. And I appreciate your well expressed view that VCM is a "missed" opportunity. I can easily see how you or others might feel as you do. You make good points, truly.

    However, your gifts to Mr. Simmons are apparently not wanted by their recipient. Or at least he has chosen to not accept. Is it not Mr. Simmons' right to do so? I am new to this forum, yes, but please help me understand why Mr. Simmons is obligated to alleviate your (and others') frustration at his not responding to gifts, constructive criticism, etc.

    I can understand how a famous baseball player has a kind of moral obligation to not advocate drug use so as not to influence America's kids negatively. Help me understand how your expectations of Mr. Simmons carry that same kind of moral weight. Where does the moral authority to, in effect, demand that Mr. Simmons do what you want him to do, originate from?

    Now, are you saying merely, "Hey Steve, come on. This is the only large format publication of its kind out there. If you're going to do it, then just do the damn thing right, for Pete's sake!!

    Now I can understand that. But I also understand that you and others, ultimately, have not the moral authority (in any source) to back your expectation or demand. No moral authority trumps Mr. Simons' right to be who he is.

    If you say Mr. Simmons OUGHT to heed the numerous requests, why MUST he? Why? To alleviate our collective frustration? Because others in his profession proof their publications better? Becasue the delicate and sophistocated sensibilities of many have been assaulted?

    I don't know Mr. Simmons, but he seems to be doing an adequate job already. Having read some of his comments, I wouldn't be surprised if he showed three articles on the contents page (in the current issue) as starting on the same page just to piss some of you off.

    I apprecaite and understand your concerns, sincerely. You can appeal to Mr. Simmons on whatever grounds you wish. But none of the grounds can be truly compelling, in my opinion. So Mr. Simmons thumbs his nose at you and others, in effect, eh? I hate to tell you this, but it's his right. Sorry!

    Pax Vobiscum

  3. #33

    View Camera Magazine Needs a Proofreader - Again

    It's OK for VC to have a lot of inconsistencies, errors, and what not.

    That's why there is a market for LENSWORK.

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Calgary, AB Canada

    View Camera Magazine Needs a Proofreader - Again

    When I first started reading VC I too was shocked and disappointed at the poor editing. I even contributed to some of the VC bashing. Over time I just decided that VC and poor editing go together and have become part of the folk lore of LF photography.

    I don't subscribe because in Canada it's actually cheaper to buy it from the book store. Go figure.

    I enjoy the content and at this point would probably be disappointed if I found no errors. It's become part of the fun. Kind of a "where's Waldo" thing.

    It's kind of like growing to love someone that is not totally visually perfect (who is??) because they have a great personality.
    Eric Rose

    I don't play the piano, I don't have a beard and I listen to AC/DC in the darkroom. I have no hope as a photographer.

  5. #35

    View Camera Magazine Needs a Proofreader - Again

    Michael (et al),

    I detect a voice of experience. As a newcomer I have been fascinated by all the ides dealt with in the forum's fostering of Milton's "marketplace of ideas." Yes, I have had my fling, too.

    I must say that I feel I have been increased after having rubbed elbows with you, Michael, and other thinking and contemplative persons. That may sound maudlin, but I truly mean this. The intellectual form of stimulation is much more satisfying, and lasts a lot longer than the varieties
    I constantly seemed to be involved in as a younger man. (I wonder how a Rush Limbaugh handles the making of scathing remarks about others, then gladhanding with them at social functions?)

    Best Regards to Michael Alpert, Rush Limbaugh, and all!


  6. #36

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    No. Virginia

    View Camera Magazine Needs a Proofreader - Again

    I have read and subscribed to View Camera for many years. I have met Mr. Simmons a few times and spent three days with him in Steamtown a number of years ago. The way I see it is that the only person Steve has ever hurt is his high school english teacher.

    Mr. Wisner has on the other hand, screwed a good number of photographers. Please stop linking the two names together in this thread.

  7. #37

    View Camera Magazine Needs a Proofreader - Again

    that is not totally visually perfect (who is??


    Hey, what the HELL are you doing reading the forums and posting? shouldn't you be on your honeymoon?...............

    Everybody, congratulate Eric........he is a prime example of a very brave man, deciding to give marriage another try at the tender age of 50..... ( Of course his new bride is even braver...the poor thing doe not know what she got into)

    (Take that Eric, got you back for that wet back PM)

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Calgary, AB Canada

    View Camera Magazine Needs a Proofreader - Again

    Your the best Jorge! We are having our honeymoon in Borneo leaving in July. Taking the 4x5 for sure.
    Eric Rose

    I don't play the piano, I don't have a beard and I listen to AC/DC in the darkroom. I have no hope as a photographer.

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Jul 2000

    View Camera Magazine Needs a Proofreader - Again

    Eric, I commend you. You are a much braver man than I. I've decided if I ever think of marriage again I'm just gonna find some chic I hate and buy her a cut to the chase) ....But sincerely, congratulations

  10. #40

    View Camera Magazine Needs a Proofreader - Again

    Yes, the typos are obvious and sometimes annoying, but from my point of view Steve only deserves applause for publishing a simply wonderful magazine. It's our magazine. Print quality is fantastic. The technical articles are classics already today. Their office is A+. The artistic quality of many of their articles is great, and there is something for everybody doing LF and ULF in each issue at a reasonable price. Look at the personal style. The magazine is family and Steve shows respect for everybody involved. I am simply amazed about how Steve does it for the price. Look at how Shutterbug and many other magazines have declined. Steve's magazine is up there every issue. It's a work of art in itself and a legacy Steve justly can be proud of. What are a few typos along the way? I have subscribed not only because I like the magazine but just to support the publication.

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