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Thread: Oh My Gosh! Look at this!

  1. #11
    rich815's Avatar
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    Re: Oh My Gosh! Look at this!


  2. #12
    K. Praslowicz's Avatar
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    Re: Oh My Gosh! Look at this!

    I got this at a local Thrift store for $30 back in 2011.

  3. #13
    ROL's Avatar
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    Oct 2008

    Re: Oh My Gosh! Look at this!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jody_S View Post
    Coincidentally, the Salvation Army is the only thrift store I will donate goods to, and also the only one here in Montreal that puts the 'good' items on the shelves...
    I've also come to that conclusion down here. Goodwill, though closer, has become the functional equivalent of a moderate priced designer consignment store, since the start of the 2008 Depression. We give them stuff, they sell at prices higher than we could get on CL, and run slick commercials on television. Not what I hope for when I donate. So, absent further criteria, it's SA from now on.

  4. #14
    Scott Davis
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    Re: Oh My Gosh! Look at this!

    I avoid the SA for religious reasons - I have fundamental disagreements with some of their philosophy, so I don't give to them. I avoid Catholic Charities for the same reasons. I do donate physical items (clothes, electronics, etc) to Goodwill, and I write checks to other smaller local community-based organizations (Latin American Youth Center, Whitman-Walker Clinic, etc).

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Oh My Gosh! Look at this!

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Davis View Post
    I avoid the SA for religious reasons - I have fundamental disagreements with some of their philosophy,...
    As do I. But if the choices I have are throwing clothes and gear in the trash, or giving them to SA, I'll give them to SA. Notwithstanding their religious agenda, which I will never support and they will never change.

  6. #16
    Scott Davis
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    Re: Oh My Gosh! Look at this!

    I give clothes to Goodwill also. There was this program on the news within the last year or so (perhaps also a NY Times article, I forget) about the business of donated clothing. Generally, the charities that accept donated clothing get far more than they can ever use, and most of it is not saleable, so they have to filter it out - some of the 2nd tier pickings get shipped overseas, and eventually the remainder of it ends up converted into rags and pulp. The scope of the problem would stagger you, though. We're talking hundreds of cubic yards of clothing a year just from the New York City Goodwill, let alone other similar charities in New York City. Magnify that out across the whole country and you start to get the picture.

  7. #17
    SpeedGraphicMan's Avatar
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    Re: Oh My Gosh! Look at this!

    Ok, besides all of the "Lets bash Goodwill and other Charities" political talk that has somehow found its way into this thread...

    Lets try and remember the important info! The JOBO WENT FOR $19.99!!!!!!
    "I would like to see Paris before I die... Philadelphia will do..."

  8. #18
    Daniel Stone's Avatar
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    Re: Oh My Gosh! Look at this!

    and someone got a really good deal

  9. #19
    SpeedGraphicMan's Avatar
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    Re: Oh My Gosh! Look at this!

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Stone View Post
    and someone got a really good deal
    That was the important thing... I don't care about "Scalpers" or employees who pick out the good stuff for themselves, etc.
    I am sure 99% of the employees have no idea what a JOBO (with a lift I might add!) was, hence the reason it went for $19.99!!!!!

    Just my $0.02!
    "I would like to see Paris before I die... Philadelphia will do..."

  10. #20
    Kevin Kolosky
    Join Date
    Jun 1999

    Re: Oh My Gosh! Look at this!

    How about this one, which I just noticed today.

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