I was just browsing eBay, came across a listing http://www.ebay.com/itm/CLEAN-Grafle...-/370759693391 for a 90/6.8 Optar W.A. s/n G35085N with a picture of a bill of sale that says "Shipment scheduled for 12-2-58"

My first reaction was that this might help us understand the relationship between some Wollensak serial numbers and build date. But then I checked my Wolly lenses with serial numbers that begin with an alphabetic character. Four Enlarging Pro Raptars, one Pro Raptar taking lens. Their serial numbers begin with D or E, don't end in a letter. All are plasmat types, Wolly's last gasp, have to have been made well after 1958.

We've had several discussions of how to translate Wolly serial numbers into build date that went nowhere. I think this new information adds to the confusion.

Helpful ideas, anyone?