I thought this might be of general interest.

I wonder if EBay software may be automatically filtering auction listings in the Large Format type under the Film Camera category? If it doesn't like what it sees, then I wonder if it leaves it in the Film Camera category, along with the other billion or so auctions.

I want to list some magazines in an auction style listing. (The LF section is definitely appropriate for this magazine.) I've specified in the auction that they be listed in the LF section. But on checking that section later, they don't appear. Yet, when I list a view camera accessory, it does appear in the LF section. The only differences between the two auctions are in the titles, descriptions, photos, and shipping. One is listed as an auction; the accessory was listed at a fixed price.

I placed two calls to EBay support, and both times I've been told that it's a problem with the system. Under their direction, I created new auctions; again, they don't appear. I was also told that it shouldn't be a problem listing a magazine in the LF section. In both cases, the problem was "escalated". Yet, I've heard nothing since.

Has anyone experienced a similar problem?