Hi All,

I just wanted to make sure that I understood the directions correctly. Following are the steps that I will be following for preparing my D-23 developer, and if I am making some wrongs then please correct me, thank you:

My FR Developing tank is 1.5 litres, so I guess I will have to make 2 litres of solution.

1. Distill Water 1 litre at 125 F
2. Dissolve Metol 7.5 g first, then
3. Dissolve Sodium Sulphite 100 g
4. Add 1 litre cold water to bring the temp down to 68 F

I am assuming, if my math is right, this will make D-23 Diluted to 1:1...am I right, or have I messed up the math?

Any thoughts on how long I should develop, and how much agitation?

One more question, the bottle I am using is not the type which you can compress to take the air out, and after I make two litres there is roughly 400 ml empty space left, can i top it off so that no air is left or would that affect the formula considerably.
