My background: mostly B&W landscapes, contact printing on traditional B&W paper or alternative processes.

This Thanksgiving, we're hosting and getting together a few family members that we don't see that often, and my wife wants some pictures (besides the typical digicam), so I bought some Kodak Portra 160 (and Ektar 100 as well, but probably will only use that for landscapes) in 4x5.

I have taken a couple of outdoor portraits with my 8x10 in the summer in B&W, but I haven't shot a single piece of color film in LF ever, and only a tiny bit of slide film in MF. I don't own any flash units or anything like that, so I'll have to rely on shooting either outside or relying on a mix of incandescent and fluorescent lighting inside the house.

Are there any tricks I need to know about Portra? Or, should I just basically meter and shoot like I normally would with B&W?

If I have to shoot indoors, do I need any filters to correct for colors? I could probably take pictures inside with either all incandescent or all fluorescent lighting depending on the room, rather than having to worry about a mix. I really only have B&W contrast filters and an 81A, so if I do need some kind of color conversion filter, I'm probably out of luck unless I can find something locally. Or do you think it would be better to shoot outside instead? I think the weather will cooperate enough for family members who arrive earlier in the day.

Processing the film will be done by a reputable lab (I'm not set up for color darkroom work), so I'm not so worried about what happens after the shot, I just want to get the color exposures as best as I can. I will be taking B&W pics as well, just to be safe.

Yes, I know I should have tested this earlier, and will rely more on the B&W work for keepers, but I hope to get a little lucky with color, that's all.