Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
Just depends on the camera itself and whether on not you'll need to use the same lens on
8x10 film too. Big heavy lenses with 3 shutters don't typically work well on many 4x5 camera because there's just not enough mass on the front standard - things can get wobbly. But telephotos can cause similar issues due to excess wt. The Fuji 400T is in a no.1 shutter, but of no use on an 8x10 if that if being contemplated. I really like the Fuji A
because it works so well on both formats, and at almost any focal distance.
Not planning on 8x10 at this point. I would prefer to stay away from telephoto designs due to the size of the lens. I have plenty of bellows as well.

The Fuji A looks really nice, but seems to be about as common as unicorns.

I think my best bet is to sell my RD Artar in barrel, and buy either a 14" repro-claron in Compur #2 or 360mm apo-ronar in Compur #2.