Quote Originally Posted by Steven Tribe View Post
Perhaps, but I doubt it. Perhaps it has been open, on display, for decades - but, again, I doubt it, as the smell would have gone.

The inverted bellows would show the longitudinal join.
Quite right on the second part. My very helpful mother told me to try leaving it open upside-down and that, oddly, seems to be working.

As for the first...I think the smell is getting much better. The previous owner told me she'd never had the lensboard or ground glass off, ever.

Quote Originally Posted by John Kasaian View Post
Onel remedy for sagging bellows is make a "tent" out of card stock to prop up the bottom of the bellows.
If you've got a "D" ring attahed to the top of the bellows you can put a small diameter dowel or rod through it with the ends resting on the standards to hold it up.
Then there is Viagra
The bellows of this camera actually has 2 D-rings. If the inversion therapy doesn't work, I may use the d-rings to pull the bellows up.