Hello board,
I'm using Tmax 100 for all my 4x5 landscaping needs. So far I've been using Jobo+Tmax RS and John Sexton's method for developing it with great (at least for my needs) results.
However, I have several shots in mind where I could benefit from any additional latitude. I'd like to get the flattest, widest in terms of DR and most fine grained negs as possible in high contrast situations (think about glacial surface, snow/rock combinations and such things). After doing a search online I found two direct solutions in Sexton publications and several additional ideas. They are the following:
1). High contrast compensating development described by Mr. Sexton in a pdf available online
2). 1+15 dilution and EI 50 described by Sexton in "A few Ideas on using Kodak Tmax films successfully"
3). Stand or semi-stand development in diluted developer.

So, here are my questions:

1). I'd try directly the method nº1 but I don't have access to a dark room and any tray processing I might try should be small enough to fit inside my reloading tent. I thought about making a very small tray for just one neg at a time and a mini slosher but would appreciate any info about the minimal tray size for a single 4x5 in order to avoid any undesired effects of the developer bouncing from the walls.
2). The nº2 describes a diluted Tmax RS, EI 50 and high contrast scenario, but uses trays once again. So, I was thinking about trying this method in a Jobo 2521 tank, perhaps adding some more liquid to my usual 270ml preparation (maintaining the 1+15 suggested by Sexton) and reducing the rotation speed after the first minutes of development. Any thoughts on that?
What if I expose the film for EI50, use 1+15 solution and develop it for 13min at 75ºF like recommended for trays but using the Jobo at P speed as I usually do?
3). I might try semi or stand development in my tent (I know it's awkward but anyway, just for one neg it might work) but currently only have Tmax RS developer. I can make a hanger for 4x5 film and use a plastic container for vertical film placement but couldn't find ANY info about semi or stand development using Tmax RS and Tmax film. Perhaps even load the neg to the 2509n spiral, load it to the Jobo tank and rock it slightly when agitation is needed... Would appreciate any info on that item too.

Thanks in advance,
Best regards!