I swear I posted this last night, but I don't see it. Evidently, I either never made it past preview message, or the Internet hates me. So, I'll post it again.

In short, I've been looking for a hand-holdable 4x5 to take with me on my honeymoon to Mexico in a couple months. Stumbled on an auction for an advertised Crown Graphic.

So, I bought it. Buyer beware, and well, when it came it turned out to NOT be a 4x5, but instead only a 2x3. No fault of the seller, she doesn't appear to be a camera dealer, and she did advertise exactly what it its identification listed it to be, so as far as I'm concerned, its no foul from her side.

So, do I keep it? Considering the camera's 50 years old, its in remarkably good shape. Of course, the leatherette is a little worn, and the the metal a little dull, but its only real downside is the leatherette on the front panel is completely split and falling off. The rangefinder, teh part I cared about, is in perfectly good shape and would probably perform better if I took the time to clean the collected dust out of its workings.

However, for all of these things, it doesn't do me any good. I've already got a modern 645 camera, and while I could use this to share lenses effectivly with the 4x5, it doesn't seem to be the most reasonalbe reason to keep it. I could always keep it for the Kalart, that way when I find a 4x5 CG, I know I'll have a working RF, but that's also not a valid reason to want to keep the whole camera.

It doesn't have a Graflok back, instead it has the older spring back, which means I guess i can't even use it with a modern roll film back.

So, do I keep it? Is it worth having around or will it possibly fulfill any useful purpose or is it purely destined to live life out as a novelty in my camera collection?

-sigh- Anyone want a baby Crown?

-gfen, still searching for a 4x5 CG.