Next Saturday, June 2nd, there will be the Spring meeting of the Alt-Photo Pacifica group. Members of the group come from Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. We have been meeting in Bellevue, WA but we voted to hold this meeting in BC since several of out members live there and make the trek to Bellevue each quarter. The event is free and is open to anyone interested in Alt-Photo processes. Our guest speaker will be Andrew O'Neil, a member here on LFPF. He will be talking about and showing carbon transfer prints. Other members will have prints on display also. Below is part of an email I received about the event.

I hope to Meet some of you there.

Dan Williams

Hello Alt/Photo Group and the Darkroom Group:

The Spring 2012 meeting has been scheduled for

Saturday, 2 June 2012, 1 pm – 4 pm –

Address: we'll meet in the gym

Eagle Ridge Bible Fellowship

1160 Lansdowne Drive

Coquitlam BC V3B 5V8