Quote Originally Posted by austin granger View Post
American Girls

In the spirit of full disclosure, I feel like I should add that my daughter has one of these. Her name (the doll's) is Rebecca Rubin. She's a Russian Jewish girl growing up in New York in 1910.

It's my understanding that the doll the girl has is supposed to be her little "twin", hence the large variety of ethnic choices. I must confess that we bought into this cult also. OK, my daughter and her mother did. I was just guilty by association and decided that while I must pick my battles, this was one I was going to lose anyway.
We recently went to Atlanta to support a family member in the national cheerleading competition. There was a conspiracy in the works. Little did I know that they had been planning for weeks to visit the American Girl store on the way back home. Nothing there is cheap. A visit to one of these stores is a great day for a little girl with one of these dolls. For some activities in the store, advance reservations may be required.
You have been warned.