With all the bad news circulating lately about LF film supplies, etc., it was nice to see something positive happening at the PhotoPlus Expo in NYC. Some observations:

Polaroid demonstrated their 8x10 version of Type 55 P/N Film!

Arca is coming out with a new 8x10 camera that will weigh ~ 7 lbs!

The Layton camera looked really sharp!

The designer of the new Cooke Triple convertible mentioned that he would like to design a series (several focal lengths) of WA lenses for LF that take advantage of modern glass and coatings! Cool!!! They will probably start with a convertible for 4x5 first.

Everyone related to LF seemed to notice a resurgance of interest in 8x10!

Now if I could only get ringing (caused by many idiots with microphones explaining how to point and click a mouse) out of my ears, I will be happy.