I'm a b/w mountain photographer, my philosophy is (imperatively) "less is more":
Therefore i'm not a filter addicted. In my bag i just have the basics: a yellow triad (y#8, #y/g11, y/o 15 ) and a ND triad (grad 0.45, grad 0.9, nd 0.9).
They are resing 4x4" Lee filters, so i'm not talking about a cheap choice...

Since i've never seriously considered a polarizer filter ( i just use it from time to time) i'd like to know your opinion/experience regarding this type of filter in b/w landscape photography. I'm now using a normal (quite good) circular b+w filter, but I'd like to buy the Lee one to align it to the Lee system. Since it costs about 300$ (filter + adapter) ...i'll be pleasured to read your thoughts before i'll go for it; for me the Lee could be more handy to manage (i could use it together with other filters....) as well as its higher quality

Thanks a lot :-)