Quote Originally Posted by roscolo View Post
... it has existed from day one with Vuescan and the Sprintscan 45 Ultra. If he wasn't motivated to address the issue in the previous 8 years...
VueScan is compatible with more than 1,800 different scanners. Assuming that Ed Hamrick spent one day testing each one, he would have spent over five years just testing scanners and doing no other work. There are a lot of different scanners and there are a lot of different problems that can occur with any given scanner. It would take several people working full-time for decades to solve every possible problem that could occur with every scanner.

While you have the right to expect the software to work the way you need it to work, I think you're being a bit rigid. You need to look at the bigger picture.

Send Ed Hamrick an e-mail. Explain the problem. He will fix it if he can.

Go here to see the FAQ page: http://www.hamrick.com/sup.html#q

There you will find suggestions on what he wants to know when you report a problem. Follow those suggestions. (Be sure to attach the log file.)
If you do, Ed will answer you in a short time. If there is a bug in the software he will push out an update.

The last time I had a problem, he fixed the problem in less than two days.