Quote Originally Posted by Ted Stoddard View Post
The best part of this gathering has yet to come and my surprise for everyone will throw most if not all for a loop with that said please confirm for this it would be greatly appreciated!

We'll have no problem filling the spaces once we disclose the surprise Ted magically pulled out of a hat. We could host 20 people, but we may just make things more luxurious and have only 6 per house. So if you want to come and partake in what we hope will be remembered as a classic shoot for a long time to come, those who have not confirmed better do so. I'm arranging for parking close to the dunes where we'll photograph so heavier cameras can be carried. Hopefully the distance to carry a camera to a pristine spot might be as little as 200 yards. I need to do more checking with some locals, but the distance will be close and not much more than that, unless for some reason a tornado of garbage is dropped from the sky!

Try to arrive by noon Friday. I'll be posting the address of the meeting house. I might set up still life and even a model for that afternoon. Then sunset shots at approx 4:15
and after that dinner and print display. We have such a surprise for you that you will be saluting Ted for a long time to come. Until the thing happens, we don't want to jinx anything.

Also if we go north the monarch butterflies might still be there in two weeks. They're there right now! So some might consider some color film too!

Top shoot the Dunes will be best dawn on the 25th and 26th or sunset 24th or 25th or 26th. With good fortune, we'll have a wonderful exposure to printing by Jim Fitzgerald for those who are with us Sunday afternoon.

Check out from the rented houses and meeting headquarters will be 5pm on Sunday.


We're always open to any added suggestions for improvements!