
student photographer (read: 'budget') trying out LF...

I have looked into lens boards for a Calumet 4X5 (540 CHROME LARGE FORMAT VIEW CAMERA BODY http://is.gd/6yc7N6 )--not cost prohibitive at all...and all that remains for me to begin exploring 4X5 is the matter of the lens. Here is my (clumsy) question:

As it would seem to be the case that a lens for this 4X5 may run upwards of four hundred dollars (or more) have any of you encountered a photographer who has made a go of--for lack of a better term--gerryrigging a lens/shutter front from an inexpensive camera (garage sale, ebay, etc.) to the Calumet lens board? Or, is it more likely than not that by attempting same I would be throwing away fifty or so bucks? Or--and, if that is somehow feasible (and not to press the issue) is it within the realm of practical possibility that I might purchase a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D (about a hundred bucks) and attach it to the lens board?

I dare pose these tedious/tacky suggestions as temporary remedies to a temporary scarcity of funds--i.e., until I can manage the proper Calumet lens from keh, and, in order to get started loading b & w 4X5 film in the Calumet and, off I go! Just the mathematical possibilities kindle excitement: 4X5 = 20 sq inches of negative--a HUGE canvas for me to fill (pardon the metaphor: I also paint murals w/acrylics)!

Someone had mentioned the possibility of a 135mm from an old Speed Graphic--what would be a reliable resource for purchasing same?

Thanks again!
