I was wondering.... I recently bought a 5 by 7 Burke and James monorail view ca mera, rebuilt and refinished it. Ive found that large format enlargers are pre tty big and pretty expensive, even for 4 by 5. This is what Im wondering: I can visualize using the camera itself as an enlar ger to project, horizontally onto a vaccuum-type eazel which would hold the pape r in vertical fashion, parallel to the film and lensboard plane. All that would be required is a light source in a box attached to the camera back in a light-t ight fashion behing the film which could be held by a modified film-holder with no back. Am I crazy? This sounds too easy. Am I missing anything? Has anyone heard of anything like this before? (I have heard of an old and long-discontinued Rollei accessory that temporarily converts a Rolleiflex TLR into a medium format proj ector.) Whadayas think?