
I just got my slides back from the developers (4x5" Velvia 50 and Provia 100F) and some of them have a terrible yellow/green color cast to a point where some of them aren't usable at all any more. In some slides the color cast is a little more pronounced in the corners or around the borders.

The problem is, there isn't a connection that I can make out between the slides. Some are V50 some are 100F. They were take with different lenses at different times. The Velvia expired in August 2011 with most of the shots being taken in October 2011. The film was in the freezer though. The Provia has no expiration issues (June 2012).

Here is one of the shots that was affected the most ...

You can download a ZIP-File containing 3 more scans here ... http://www.andreasresch.at/upload/Scans.zip

I've talked to the developer about issues in the lab but they said they were working properly and no problems were recorded in that time frame.

With so many experienced large format photographers, maybe some of you can figure out what the issue is. It's a bad feeling walking around with an issue like that never knowing if a shot will be useless or not.

Thanks a lot guys,