Hi All,

Which U-line anti-static bags are best for 4x5 holders. Will the same bag(s) also hold Grafmatics? Anyone know if the holder/bag combo will fit in the new Photo Backpacker Cascade pouch?

Lastly, are there alternatives to purchasing a full carton (1,000 bags)?

I tried using regular zip lock type bags several years ago and had more dust issues than without. The bags apparently generated an amazing amount of static turning the holders into dust magnets.

If the only option is to purchase a carton would one or two of you like to split an order. I can't imagine using 1,000 bags in my lifetime (or what's left of it). I was looking at the 4 mil weight bags. Maybe the 2 mil bags would be adequate.

A carton (4mil bags) is $100-120 depending on the exact size.

As always any and all advice appreciated.