I couldn't resist owning this thing.

Mike sold this to me recently. It had a few problems. One was that the focus was fixed and wasn't infinity. The spring back was missing a piece that keeps the holder from falling out the other end. There were a couple light leaks too, because of the leather cracking over time. Finally, the lens is kind of hazy.

For the past few weeks it's sat on my floor in pieces while I decided how to change the front. Eventually I decided to attach the lens on a board in the 5mm gap (between the two side panels) that was previous just cracking leather. The front panels then screwed back on in front. Some wood filler on the rear filled in the gaps, to avoid light leaks.

The lens was put in a focus helical from a previous project. It's 'just' off from infinity, but stopped down the lens hits infinity fine. I couldn't easily get this to infinity without building a sunk lensboard.

Quick and easy fix to put a piece of wood on the back too.

Now, all I really need is new lens elements instead of this 210, since I don't have the tools to re-polish the bad element.