I have been doing 35mm and 120 darkroom work since 1969 but have just started in 4x5 and I am finding my sheet film mechanics VERY challenging!

Loading the holders isn't too bad, though I must have put a wet finger on the edge of 2/3 of a package of E-6 because the whole batch shows chemical contamination in the middle of the notched edge.

When unloading the 4x5 holders, I am absolutely stumped on how to lift the sheet off the holder back without getting my fingernail under the film and pinching it with my thumb to slip it out - result: numerous thumb prints in the middle of the notched edge.

I guess I am just a very "tactile" person :-)

I also haven't found a good clip to hold the sheets while drying.

If any of you experienced LF processors that can offer suggestions, they will be GREATLY appreciated!