I've put together a landscape lens kit for my Toyo 45AII. It consists of:
90mm MC Super Angulon f8
150mm g-claron f9
210mm g-claron f9
305mm g-claron f9

I have a nice 4 lens Gnass Gear case they fit into perfectly. I couldn't be happier and never feel like I'm missing a thing. My Toyo has a Fresnel and I can see the ground glass just fine, even in the dawn / twilight hours.

However, I'm doing more and more work indoors and want to get away from my RB setup and use my 4x5. My "outdoor / hiking" lens kit is just too slow for shooting inside. I would like to put together a second, 3 lens kit. I'm funding this by selling off my seldom used 8x10, RB67 and 35mm equipment. This will leave me with my Rolleiflex T for a take everywhere and 4x5 for everything else. I don't think I'll need much of a telephoto.... So far I already have:
Nikkor 90mm SW f4.5.

So, what should lenses 2 and 3 be? I'm fairly certain I don't want anything wider than the 90mm. A f5.6 aperture is key and I'd like to have reasonable movements, enough to cover 5x7 (I see this format in my future at some point). The Fuji 125mm f5.6, Fuji & Nikon 135mm f5.6, Fuji & Nikkor 150mm f5.6 and Fuji & Nikkor 180mm f5.6 all sound interesting.... I have no problem doubling up focal lengths with my other kit.

A 90mm, 135mm and 180mm seems to make mathematical sense.... Again this will be mostly intimate indoor work - no paid, big boy, architectural gigs. =) I think MC glass is important since these are wide-ish lenses in often times high contrast / available light scenes. I'd also like to keep the glass around $300 each or less.

Any thoughts and personal experience is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Here is one example of the images I'll be making. I used my 150mm g-claron and a flashlight so that I could see everything....
Framer's Saw