I'm searching for a decent scanner for my 4x5 B&W negatives. Something that will do a good job on negatives with images resolved in the 30 to 60 lines per millimeter range my lenses produce.

The largest prints I'll make from a 4x5 negative are 20 x 30 inches. From 120 film 2.25 x 2.75 inch negatives, 16 x 20 inch prints are about as large as I'll go. So I'm thinking that a scanner that does 1600 or 3200 dpi should do the job. Such scanners are out there for 70 to 140 bucks used. I think 1600 dpi should suffice so that's what I'm considering.

Question is, is 1600 dpi enough or should I opt for a 3200 dpi one?