I have read several books on B&W photography ANsel said to use a Wratten #90 in his book the negative, Fred Picker used some sort of Zone VI B&W viewing filter to frame and see tonal relationships during his scouting adventures.

Fist off how many of you use them?

Second what do you use?

Third where is the best place to buy one if you use one!

I know the trained eye is the best tool to use to see in Monochrome. I know that papers vary and contrast variance is situation. I know that there is no one tool that will make you see correctly in black and white. With that said, I asked a few question above and hope some of you can help shed some light on why some of the greats used these tools, when I read so much text to the contrary.

I want to see in black and white better. I cant just keep a camera to my eye all the time. I want a small filter/framing device that I can use to help train my eyes to see the world in Black and White. What is the best most cost effective way to learn to see this way. For $283 I found 10 of what Ansel recommend but I will never pay for this. 4" square gel filter for $300 bucks, yeah right.

Thanks, AKf