Quote Originally Posted by mdm View Post
I understand the difference and my opinion is that it is just snobbery.

They are mostly clothed here though so no examples of that perspective but in his book it predominates.
Sam Wang is a close friend and a former colleague at Clemson University. He is one of the most creative photographers I have ever met. He makes his own cameras to explore more fully his own vision. For example, he used a 50mm Mamiya Press lens and grafted it to body that takes 5X7 film holders. The 50mm lens does not cover, rather makes a circular image on the film. One of the characteristics of Sam's work is the extreme near/far perspective.

He had a book published last year in China. You can see/buy it here. http://www.alternativephotography.co.../sam-wang-book The reproductions are very good.
