A couple weeks ago I took a roadtrip across much of the south eastern US, from south GA to Washington D.C. and back in a big loop through the mountains and back down the Atlantic coast. The biggest part of the trip was a day-long expedition into the Smoky Mountains. I also spent some time in West Virginia.

This was my first time there (excluding when I was like 5) so I tried to see some of the most common sites. I definitely barely scratched the surface. I'm looking forward already to going back.

I have finally more or less finished developing, sending off, and scanning my 4x5 shots. I have only recently started shooting 4x5 or developing my own stuff, so this was my first real outing with the gear.

I'll try to include as much tech info as possible on the shots. On the B&W photos there is some pretty bad banding on some of the scans, I am looking into that problem now, but the worst of that problem is luckily on my poorer frames, execution/composition wise.

I am totally open to your opinions or critiques. I am pretty well grounded in the photographic aspects but new in LF.

First some b&w stuff:

150mm, cropped 2:1
Midtones are kinda meh on this one

210mm, cropped kind of square

This is the New River Gorge in West Virginia

I posted this before but anyway, this is Blackwater Falls in WV

More coming in color...