Considering today I find an item I returned back on the website before receiving a refund, here are my experiences...

All items were marks as Exc or Exc+:

Hasselblad SWC - within a few months the slow speeds became sluggish. I was using it for a project and couldn't send it for repair, by which point I was outside of the 6 months and lumped it.

Pentax 67ii - initially the prism wasn't locked on properly and gave an error. Fine after that until literally on the 6 month mark I find the PC Sync isn't as reliable as it should be. Before this point I'd feared it was my flash/cable and replaced those but still dodgy.

Pentax 67 grip - arrived and is wobbly, rusty, dented, has blu-tac stuck in it.

The first two cameras one might say it was my own fault for not thoroughly checking nor taking advantage of the 6 month warranty. I'll take ownership of that.

On the third occasion I emailed and stated the issues. I was told to return the item, and if they deemed there was an error in their rating system they would refund the postage as well. Upon returning it I emailed giving a list of the past experiences and a full run-down of the item being sent back, all the faults.

My email was returned with Steve Byford stating that he thinks I should shop elsewhere. Insulted, so long as I get my money back then at least I know where I stand.

The item was returned by special delivery at my cost, and arrived last Saturday. It is now Thursday and I have yet to be refunded anything. I go online to the website and see that they have already placed the item back up for sale.

Currently this leaves me in the position of warning all those buying from Ffordes to be aware what you may be getting yourself into.


To take this one step away from my own personal experience, my boss purchased an Exc+ Zorki 4 with Jupiter-8 lens.

It cost almost as much as the Eastern European auctions, but since it was within the UK boss decided to go for it. It's taken him nearly 2 weeks to get the camera to work with him and show me. Immediately I check it over there is fungus on the front group, creeping in about 1/4 of the diameter. Easy to see in room light.


Others will respond of positive experiences I'm sure. For me, 4 out of 4 bad experiences, 1 being totally independent of myself (but having to check the item) I can't recommend anyone shop there.