After untold hours of reading, learning new software, trial and error, I'm still doubltful as to knowing the shortest route to an accurate scan. Profiling with an IT8 recorded on the same type of film had climbed to the top of my list but I've yet to produce a scan I'm satisfied with. I'm limited with a V700, for now, for 6x7 and 4x5, but some folks are content with that and I again feel I'm missing something. Including a Colorchecker SG was another route I thought to take, and do own one, but that would serve to neutralize color casts, not exactly producing accurate sunsets as one example of a desirable color cast being neutralized, and no longer being accurate. So, realizing what an expansive topic this could grow to in order to meet it's needs, I'm hoping the opposite can be achieved, a bit of wisdom or boiled down order of operations with an eye to rapid and accurate color and tone. Or should I resign myself to spending the second half of my life in photoshop tweaking curves and levels until my mental scan and the real one begin to line up? I've always loved choosing film for it's look and rendering of a scene, but I'm so tired of adjusting by eye to try and get it back.