Taking over the thread, but here is one of my favorite images from my NZ bike tour:

Truman Cove
West Coast, South Island
Gowland 4x5, Caltar II-N 150mm/5,6
T-Max100 in HC-110

Every picture tells a story, don't it...this one was taken after a long drought of about three weeks -- wet weather, stuck in my tent for a week in the rain with the flu, a bad knee, etc etc. I rode my bike a mile or so from the campground at the Pancake Rocks (Punakaiki) to this place and as I turned off the road to the trail head to get to this cove, I found a dead weasel -- actually just its head and one front leg.

I carried RK (Road Kill) down to the cove with me and photographed it several times -- why? Just to break the drought. I have never done more than make contacts of those 4x5's. After that I made the image below (just a scan of a straight contact print.)

For those who are interested (anyone? LOL!), some stats. With the bike fully loaded (~80lbs of gear), I rode 2000 miles in 5 months, averaging riding every third day and about 45km per day ridden. I went to photograph, not necessarily to cover distance.