Hello everyone. Can anyone tell me where I might be able to find Ilford Delta 100 in 5x7 by the box? I'm beginning to transition now that Kodak has once again proven how much they want to be in the digital market rather then film and I'm looking for resources for Ilford Delta 100 which I feel will get me what I'm looking for in a film. B&H appears to sell 4x5 and 8x10 at the lowest price (admittedly, I haven't shopped around that much yet) but what a shock it was to see that their minimum order for 5x7 is 45 boxes. Is there anywhere that sells this film by the box or am I at a deciding point between retiring my 5x7 back or buying a massive bulk of the film all at once (which I don't have the money for)? Any hints on where I might find this? I'll keep looking around in the meantime.