
I am totally new to the world of large format. I want to explore the world of alternative and vintage photography. I have found an old 5x7" camera, and have got a poloxer 210 mm lens, without shutter. I am also looking for vintage lenses, e.g. petzvals. So I have to find a solution for a shutter.

I have searched this forum and other places and found that packard shutters should work for my needs. I have also found this shutter on ebay:

Seems to be same basic construction, but differently made. The ebay type needs some external control, which I can make myself. I actually think it is an advantage to get access to the solenoid directly. I have some ideas of how to boost the shutter actuation in order to get faster shutter speeds than 1/32.

My question is quite simple: Anybody know anything about this shutter? Any information would be appreciated. Thank you.
