I have a question for those who may have experience with enlarger light sources and enlarger design.

I have three Durst 138S enlargers. I would like to fashion a light source for one of these to allow me to enlarge on Azo.

I have done some peliminary testing with a 15 watt BLB bulb exposing a camera negative with a peak density of 2.08 in contact with Azo. The times at a 16 1/2 inch height from the material was 15 seconds. My height from negative to paper in the enlarger for an 8X10 enlargement is 26 1/2 inches and for an 11X14 the distance increases to a height of 33 inches.

I realize that I will have some loss through the enlarger lens.

Now I have a choice of either fabricating a new lamp housing using diffusion lamp utilizing 150 watts of BLB (diffusion) or to build a new lamp housing using 400 Watts of BLB (condensor). I would prefer to use condensors. The higher wattage requires a HID ballast and it has a warm up period of some minutes. This would require the use of a shutter. I have a Packard that would work if I removed the pneumatic actuator and replaced it with a small low voltage electrical solonoid.

My concern is that since the Packard would probably need to be front mounted on the enlarger lens it may induce vibration from the actuating force.

Has anyone had experience with enlargers that utilized a shutter?

I would appreciate any feedback and guidance that others may offer.
