I just got a rudimentary website going on Wordpress and finally have something that doesn't look like a blog. I'm just starting out with actually selling my work and don't have a ton of money to pay for an official website yet. I'm spending most of my cash on trips at the moment.

I have been very bad at pricing my work, usually I double what I actually spend on the prints. If a print costs $10 to print I charge $20. Unless I spent a longer amount of time on the photo, say if I did a photo from a 4x5 negative that would be more time consuming than snapping a digital image.

I'd like to start selling my work online, I was wondering if anyone has used Etsy to sell their work successfully? I see an ocean of photographs on there, some of them good, most really bad but almost all of them are $10-$50 so pretty low priced. Would this be a waste of my time? I thought it might be good to explore any avenue I can, frankly people in Maine don't want to pay anything for art. I usually charge half of what I should and people still want me to cut them deals.
