Chris do you speak of your"narrah white booty" that apparently lacks enough equipment hanging beneath it to get you arrested? As outraged as you seem now why did you not challenge an obviously illegal order? That is "amazing" Ever think about showing them what you're doing? Maybe ask them if they want to look through he camera?

Kallitype, study the Constitution again before you start citing its Amendments. We still can own firearms the last I checked. And are you really " Sorry to respond to politics into a photo forum" or are you using that to let us know that you are eagerly waiting for the chance to spew your hare-brained ideas? Whatca ya smokin, duuude? As for having "no right to complain", if you don't stand up for yourself you surely can't bitch.

And of course if you didn't read the whole article you missed this part: "Ken was clear: Jeffrey should not have been told he was doing anything illegal. In fact, "as a result of this inquiry, I want to follow up with our people. Every once in a while we'll hire a couple of new security guards who don't understand how we do business. I'm going to go back and tell our area commanders to make sure the right word is going out." That doesn't sound like any kind of Nazi to me.

It seems reasonable for people to be suspicious of strange behaviour. Just because you know you're not a danger other people might not see it that way. Good thing view cameras don't look like RPGs, then we'd really be in for a tough time.