Hi, Im a 31 year old Swede with a passion for photography.

My LF shooting started a few years ago when i got an old Linhof Kardan from my boss at work.

Time went by, and that Linhof got quite cumbersome to carry around since i mostly do nature photography. I had already fallen in love with the 4x5 format, so i decided i would sell off all my digital equipment and put the money down on a new camera.

Now im shooting on a beautiful Wista 45Dx in ebony redwood material.
Its light and small enough to fit my camera backpack.

I quite recently also moved from scanning my negatives to doing darkroom work.

There was an ad on a swedish photo forum from a man that wanted to give away a Durst 138 to "the right person", luckily that was me.

I feel im progressing fast in the darkroom, and my prints already looks better than my scanned-printed images. (Maybe thats just saying im a crap scanner operator) :-)

Currently i have 2 lenses, one Linhof branded Super Angulon 90/5.6 and a Fujinon 210/5.6, and i think i might not get any other lenses.

I like black&white better than color, but i shoot some Velvia once in a while when i feel the image really benefits from being in color.

At first i tried lots of different films, and it was just adding a big confusion to me, different reciprocity effects/failure, different development times and so on.
Now i have decided that i like the look of Tri-X, slightly overexposed and reduced in development time.

I always develop in Xtol 1:1 in open trays.

In the darkroom i am still under practise, trying different papers/developers etc. But im about to make a decision on just one paper and one developer there as well.

In short, i think the restriction adds more freedom.

This forum with its members have a lot of wisdom and is a great source of information, and im glad i found it.