
Long time reader/lurker, first time poster.

I've recently made the jump into large format, with a Chamonix 45n-1. So far having a great time, and I'm quite happy with the initial results. So, I've decided to take the camera on an upcoming three week trip to Morocco and Scotland; I leave a week from today.

I've ordered a bunch of 4x5 film, mainly Velvia 100 and Fuji Acros 100. But, as you know, the Acros only comes in boxes of 10, making carrying 50 sheets quite bulky. Is there any harm in consolidating the film into one or two boxes?

I've searched for other postings on this issue but can't find any. Is there any damage to the film if I put, say, 40 sheets in a box that normally holds 10?

Also, any other tips on how you transport film would be appreciated. I do plan to hand carry my film (no checked baggage), I have a Harrison changing tent that will come on the trip, and I might ship two/three batches of exposed film back to the States for processing throughout the trip (more to lighten the load, since I'm also traveling with a 35mm M system and lots of 35mm film). I'm not yet into the N, N+1, N+1 method, so I don't need a filing system for the exposed film.

Thanks for the help.
