
Would realy appreciate some advice from you guys.. I'm using a 8x10 De-vere enlarger with a drop table.. the head has been extended out on blocks to allow me to do the prints I need - 42"x55".

I'm printing from 5x4 and 10x8 negs.. I have a major problem with not enough light and the exposures when using 5x4 are around 7 minutes for the main exposure.. The paper does not fog with all the safe light out but I'm printing a one stop from closed down which is not ideal. Also to work my images, ie burning in is impossible as looking at 14 minutes for x2 stop burn in..

The Ilford head has x4 bulbs and have been told that If put in brighter bulbs then it will overheat and melt the metal used..

I basically need to increase my light output by x2 stops to be able to work properly.. Have thought of using a colour head instead as apparently it put out more light, around 30% more power but dont feel that that is enough..

As far as i see it I either need to modify the ilford multigrade 8x10 or build a different light source like Ansel Adams did using tungsten bulbs or car head lights.. The light sorce need to be diffused for the way my negs are, condensor heads would be too contrasty and big probs with dust etc..

Would realy appreciate help on this..
