I know this topic has been covered with cheap adapters, but does anyone know of a company called “Just Together”.

They make adapters to mount a DSLR to a View Camera. They are not sliding, just one hole in the centre. The hole widens immediately (unlike cheaper versions) allowing the use of wider lenses. Does anyone have experience with these adaptors, and do they live up to their claims? They are fairly expensive @ 490Euros.


I am not entirely sure how they work. I wish to mount my 5D MkII to my Sinar P2 to do ‘art’ copy work, ie, digitazing photos and/or art work that is larger than my scanner can take, A4.

I will be using a 180mm Macro lens. I presume I would compose my art work on the ground glass as normal, then attach my 5D, re focus, and then shoot in a 3x3 (or even a 4x4) pattern, of the entire image by moving the back vertically and horizontally. In Photoshop I would stitch the images together.

Is this correct, or have I got it wrong? If this works then it means I would end up with quite a large file size instead of resorting to a scanning back.