I have just upgraded my PC to Windows XP Professional, and had thought that everything had gone very smoothly (even getting my Agfa scanner to work), until I tried to print from Photoshop onto my Epson 1160.

I can install the Epson XP driver for the printer, and receive a confirmation message that it has been correctly installed. Within Photoshop, the dialogue with the printer driver appears normal, and follows the same process as before. However, printing fails, because of a "communication error". I think what is happening is that Windows XP wants to use its own "plug and play" driver, which will work, but not at the resolution that I am looking for (1400 dpi). Consequently I think I end up with a conflict between the Epson and the Windows driver, leading to an apparent communiction problem with the printer.

I do not know how to resolve this - can anyone help me?

