
I love to shoot from high elevations. Unfortunately you do not have access to a balcony or terrace in high buildings very often - and if you do, at 90% of the time you would have problems with the strong winds.

So you are confined to shoot through the 2 or 3 layer security glass of observation decks, hotelrooms and office floors.

I did it once, but the result was not good. I turned out all the lights, moved the lens front barrel directly to the glass, to avoid any reflections and shifted down a bit, to get the frame perfect.

The result: one part above the center of the image is tack sharp, the rest is getting gradually blurred by a double image. I suppose that where the light rays go through the lens horizontally you do not get reflection or double images because of the 90° angle, and the rest is a projected image caused by the different optical density of the layers of the sandwiched window pane?? (see here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/move_la...7607101776120/ )

Is there any way around it? Would shooting with longer lenses help? (I used a 300mm 8x10 for the one above), or maybe a polarizing filter? - any tips appreciated!