I went to Ouray to photograph the Ice Park---what a blast!
Some observations:
The sun illuminates the lower end of the park from about 9:30--10:30AM. These routes are shootable from the lower bridge and along the road from the parking area. There is also a metal observation platform but the path to it is slippery and the deck is expanded steel decking which isn't really suited for tripods (without some ingenuity) It is also where the ice climbers gear up and the platform is for their use, so unless it isn't being used I wouldn't attempt using it for photography. Besides a pine tree obscures part of the routes from that platform. The lower bridge and along the road is far better IMHO.
I think a handheld camera like a Speed Graphic is the way to go. I used my Gowland 8x10 aerial with a Nikon 300mm M @ f/64 and f/45. I just returned to town and haven't souped the film yet, so...I'll have to wait and see.

The Irish Pub in Ouray has a really good sandwich: Corned Beef on slaw on marbled rye with horse radish mustard!

On the way home I had the option of waking up in Flagstaff or waking up at the Grand Canyon. I chose the Grand Canyon and this morning it was beatiful weather for photography. I didn't have much time since I had to drive home to Fresno, so I opted for a location on the second story balcony of the old stone souvenier shop next to Bright Angel Lodge. The manager kindly gave me permission to drag the 8x10 'dorff and ries 'pod through the shop and hog most of the balcony while digi 'togs patiently squeezed in around me for thier shots. I let the interested ones & kids look at the gg of the 'dorff and the experience was a lot of fun. I attempted a three shot panorama with the back situated in the vertical format. Of course I haven't souped the film yet so....I'll again have to wait and see.

I am very grateful that I didn't loose the 19" Artar overboard!

Casualties: The copal shutter on the Nikon M siezed as I was trying to expose the last of the old TMAX in Ouray and one sheet of FP-4 buckled so the dark slide ended up being driven home behind the sheet of film at the Grand Canyon Other than that the trip was a heck of a lot of fun (and even funner when I get the negs developed---I hope!)

The GI surplus jerry can coolers performed well as cases for the 'dorf and film holders, btw.