
After a brief flirtation with the idea of 8x10 I have for various reasons, mainly various practicalities, decided to return to 4x5 for my upcoming projects.

I'm going to be shooting in the main with a 120mm or thereabouts lens.

I've used a 110mm xl in the past, as well as various 90mm and sironar 135's and they all had their strengths, such as sharpness to the edges and good image circle etc, etc

Well this time I'd like to try something with a bit of character.
Still around that focal length (100 to 120mm) but with it's own less sterile look.
It want it to give me some moderate movement on 4x5 but nothing huge, that is for another lens, if it goes a touch softer at the edges than a modern lens at wider apertures, that is not the end of the world either.

I'll be shooting on portra colour neg, so looking for that 'painterly feel' as opposed to super sharpness. I know of course that will come in the main with the light etc but I think a lens can help add a certain something also.

Possibilities I can see are the angulon 120mm 6.8, kodak wide field ektar 100mm, wollensak 108mm...any others to be on the look out for?
Does the schneider 121 have a look or does it lean towards modern sharpness?
Any dagor or variations of at that focal length?

